Xia Quan | touch DESIGN GROUP

Interior Design Co. Ltd.

first you should know

about Xia Quan

Xia Quan Interior Design was established in 2013. We are a young and vibrant company in interior design industry. The general manager of our company, who has worked as an executive a large design company for many years, has rich experience, wealth knowledge and skills in professional project management, interior design, renovation works, brand recognition and implementation of international brands.
The found of XQ design is based on enthusiasm, ideals, responsibility and quality. We not only provide the overall planning, professional design skills and construction management, but also equipped with the advanced ability: integration, coordination, execution, leadership and budget estimation. On the basis of these skills and abilities, we hope to provide, high quality services. 
why choose us

Xia Quan spirit

We strive for professional knowledge, perfect service, and high quality.
We're able to coordinate solution, implement resource integration, and ensure effective management.


Team Members

David Hsieh

General Manager

Arthur Luo

Design Director

Joanne Luo

Financial Officer

Daniel Yang

Engineering manager

Recreational Sports

softball Team

To promote the sports and fitness and proper leisure and social, The XQ Design plans to form a slow pitch team, Hope the community answers to sports and fitness, purpose of social emotions.

hear them out

our clients

wanna say hello?

contact us

Phone: 02-26579887
Fax: 02-26578038

2F., No.283, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd., Neihu Dist.,
Taipei City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


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